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Digital Wellness Challenge

Develop a healthier relationship with technology over a 21-day challenge







Snowy Mountain



  • Waking up right: Spend the first 30 minutes of your day without your phone. Leave your phone to charge away from where you sleep.

  • Eating mindfully: Once a day eat mindfully, without screens or any other form of engagement. It doesn't have to be a proper meal; if nothing else eat an apple mindfully.

  • Screen time reduction: Aim for a 20% screen time reduction from your current average. You can set screen time locks on your apps or use other applications that disable your phone for fixed periods of time. 

  • Documenting our triggers: We all have different relationships with our phones, and we use them for different activities. Document what makes you pick up your phone. You don’t have
    to share it with anyone, documenting it for yourself will help you be more mindful.

  • Medidate for 7 Minutes: Medidate for 7 minutes each day. (Here’s a playlist if you’re

    looking for a place to start. )

  • Go Gray: Turn on grayscale mode on your mobile device an hour before you sleep.
    (Here’s a quick guide for iOS/Android.)

  • Waking up right: Spend the first 30 minutes of your day without your phone. Leave your phone to charge away from where you sleep.

  • Eating mindfully: Once a day eat mindfully, without screens or any other form of engagement. It doesn't have to be a proper meal, if nothing else eat an apple mindfully.

  • Screen time reduction: Aim for a 20% screen time reduction from your current average. You can set screen time locks on your apps or use other applications that disable your phone for fixed periods of time. 

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